MemeCore contracts
| Formicarium Testnet
ERC-20 token contract that can be minted and burned by the owner (DividendDistributor). This token is issued to users as a receipt when they delegate $M coins to Validators.
Jump Proxy
Proxy contract that delegates all calls to Jump Implementation. Stores system state while logic resides in implementation. Uses UUPS and EIP-1967 for upgrades and storage pattern.
Jump Implementation
Contains logic for coordinating system-wide reward distributions through timedTask function. Entry point for block rewards distribution process.
Executes timedTask with block signer and validators
Coordinates reward distributions between DividendDistributor and RewardDistributor
DividendDistributor Proxy
Proxy contract that delegates calls to DividendDistributor Implementation. Stores validator and staking states. Uses UUPS and EIP-1967 for upgrades and storage pattern.
DividendDistributor Implementation
Contains logic for validator management, staking operations, and reward distributions. Manages XToken minting and burning. Primary Functions:
Validator registration and management
Staking pool operations
Reward distribution calculations
XToken mint/burn management
RewardDistributor Proxy
Proxy contract that delegates calls to RewardDistributor Implementation. Stores reward distribution states. Uses UUPS and EIP-1967 for upgrades and storage pattern.
RewardDistributor Implementation
Contains logic for managing and distributing additional ERC-20 reward tokens based on staking positions. Primary Functions:
Additional reward token registration
Reward rate calculations
Distribution period management
Extra reward token distribution logic
Last updated